television series Suits
is one of the more popular shows in the United States. The entire
series revolves around a man named Mike who was recently hired to be
an associate at a top-tier law firm despite the fact that he never
went to law school at all.
Although falsifying
documents makes for an intriguing storyline, such events do happen in
the real world, unfortunately. In fact, a prestigious school in South
Korea was rocked with scandal as it was revealed that one of their
professors had lied about attending Yale University.
Falsifying documents to
land a job isn’t restricted to just those applying to be a regular
employee. Just last year, Scott Thompson stepped down as Yahoo's CEO
when it was discovered that he did not hold the computer science
degree that his resumé bore, showing that even top executives should
probably undergo careful employment background screening as well.
screening is important because applicants should have the necessary
educational background and skills for the job they're applying for.
Moreover, any job that involves access to confidential data or access
to huge budgets should be given only to trustworthy company members.
If you are an employer,
you should contact a reliable employment background screening service
to weed out applicants who have presented false resumés. Chances
are, your company is better off without these people.
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