Looking into a candidate’s criminal record history is also an important aspect of background screening. However, laws regulating criminal record checks vary from state to state, and any violation of these laws, whether knowingly or unknowingly, can make an employer legally liable too. To ensure that the appropriate protocols are followed when conducting background checks, it is best to rely on a reputable employment screening service for help, so that overall compliance and hiring risks get mitigated properly.

With business environment today, employers can’t risk hiring just any job candidate who shows promise, without validation. If businesses want to hire the ideal employees and avoid liability, they need to conduct a comprehensive background screening of all candidates and third party vendors. To ensure the screening process is compliant with local and state laws, employers can depend on efficient background screening services like The Accu-Facts Company, operating since 1986.

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Even if trucking business owners did not have prior knowledge about an employee’s previous brushes with the law, they can still be held liable for a road accident under employer negligence policies or under vicarious liability type circumstances too. Any company who hires a worker for driving duties is obligated to ensure that the said worker is a responsible driver who won’t put other motorists in danger, by his or her actions or previous bad driving history. Business owners or managers who are unfamiliar with the methods to conduct a comprehensive record search can rely on a public record search service like The Accu-Facts Company.

Owners of trucking companies, or any other similar business using drivers, have an obligation to hire not only skillful and well-trained drivers, but drivers free of major traffic violations as well. By doing this, they can reduce the risks of road accidents due to the driver’s error or negligence, while they have mitigated their liability concerns with the utmost due diligence.

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An applicant’s credit report may as well be a goldmine of information for the employer. While the resume should be a good place to start for getting to know an applicant, statistics do show that at least 40 percent of information in a resume is false. Should the employer decide to expand the background check to include the applicant’s credit report, the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) states that the employer must first ask for the applicant’s permission.
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Any job applicant is aware of the importance of a good resume. However, a resume may not always be the only requirement that an employer checks to determine whether or not an applicant is fit for the job. In most cases, this piece of paper only serves as a source of basic information. The rest is based on interview results and thorough background checks.
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Employment background screening is a necessary process. While one may think that this is more important for big corporations, it is just as, if not more, essential for modest-sized companies. This is because as smaller businesses have limited resources, they have a smaller margin for error, including hiring the right people for different positions within the company.
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Clearly, employers need effective employment background screening services that produce highly satisfactory results without alienating qualified applicants who just happen to also be active social media users. So, some states have already passed laws to disallow this practice, while employers can no longer ask for “passwords” nor seek authority to conduct such reviews, in the hiring phase. The customary and usual background screening services may include a thorough public records search and other position related inquiries, into an applicant’s education and previous employment history, for example. These and all similar screening tasks need to be done in accordance with HR best practices, under federal FCRA guidelines with an authentic and signed Release Form, and activities must meet the local state laws, to ensure the protection of privacy for all parties involved and that meet the test of compliance.

While social media screening may be helpful to some extent, employers nonetheless have to be careful when it comes to this background screening method. A reputable employment screening service provider, such as The Accu-Facts Company, provides a suite of professional services to meet the recruitment needs of various industries, categories of jobs, and positions that need mandatory tasks conducted to qualify for the job up front.

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Given the wave of crimes against children in school within the past several years, recent efforts in Delaware to curb and prevent these incidents are nothing short of timely. NewsWorks reporter Nichelle Polston reports on the formation of the multidisciplinary Delaware Criminal Background and Child Protection Registry Checks Task Force. It seeks to further strengthen the state’s existing background check systems, specifically for adults who come in close (and often unsupervised) contact with children.

Schools and daycare centers, in particular, can’t afford to be complacent when it comes to ensuring the safety of the young children under their care. Yet, regardless of industry, any employer should find a thorough public records search helpful when conducting due diligence during the applicant screening process, while all Vendors, Volunteers and Parents involved with school events, should also be scrutinized prior to granting uninhibited school access.

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Growing your personnel is an essential organizational task – one that plays a critical role in strengthening business functions and improving results. As such, human resource departments must employ a comprehensive system that stringently vets candidates and validates their qualifications well. To that end, a public records search database will be of integral help.
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It is every employer’s right to assure themselves that any employee they’re about to hire will not cause any harm or legal trouble to the company and its personnel. As such, a lot of HR departments have started scouring through social media profiles in order to get a good read of every prospective employee.
However, there is such a thing as overstepping the bounds of privacy—particularly when an applicant’s social media profile is involved. A lot of highly qualified candidates often feel disappointed and vulnerable upon finding out that their profiles have been scoured.
Employers therefore need effective background screening services that produce highly satisfactory results and are less likely to alienate qualified applicants who are active on social networking sies. These services may entail a thorough public records search as well as inquiries into an applicant’s educational background and employment history. These tasks must be conducted in accordance with HR best practices as well as Fair Credit Reporting Act requirements to safeguard the privacy of each individual under consideration.

Although social media screening may be helpful to some extent, employers still need to be circumspect when it comes to this screening method. Luckily, companies can turn to a trusted employment screening service provider for a suite of services that meet their recruitment needs.
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In a country where the majority of the workforce has been affected by the financial crisis, a bad credit report may no longer be considered as a valid basis for a company not to hire competent applicants, with this proposed law. Therefore, companies should take great care in making sure that their assessments of a person’s qualifications draw more heavily on aspects that the prospective employee has more control over than their credit score or the content of the report.

In line with these type laws, employment screening providers will need to adapt to this new development. Notably, several trusted online employment screening companies started posting advisories to its customers about the proposed law and credit report matters.

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The illustrated article from CBS News should serve as a reminder for businesses in all industries, particularly when it comes to hiring new employees. One of the most crucial steps of finding out the truth about the people applying for a position in your company is through a comprehensive public records search, but also verifying as much personal, non-public data as possible, in advance.

Although employment background screening tasks can easily be done through the many different companies who offer these services, it is important to note that not all of them are the same. There is still the need to find the best company who will conduct the search for validated information in a comprehensive and systematic manner. Look for an experienced company who will search public records, as well as non-public agency records, and perform a stringent screening of the information gathered to ensure its veracity. This means onsite research at the source with authentic records.

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The loss of innocent lives (in schools, of all places) has sent shockwaves throughout society. Measures therefore need to be taken to prevent such tragedies from happening again.
For example, Delaware has created a Criminal Background and Child Protection Registry Checks Task Force to protect children from future crimes. Meanwhile, schools in other states with no such protection can rely on high quality background checks provided by private agencies.
Schools and daycare centers, in particular, can’t afford to be complacent when it comes to ensuring the safety of the young pupils under their care. Yet regardless of industry, a thorough public records search is something every employer should find helpful when conducting due diligence during the applicant eligibility screening process.
This process can also benefit industries outside the academe. Companies can better protect themselves and their employees if they make sure that any prospective employee they’re about to hire has no criminal history and has not falsified any information.

After all, employers have to protect themselves, their existing personnel, and their stakeholders from possible instances of fraud or falsification. Otherwise, they can only be held accountable for the failure to conduct the appropriate background checks. Companies of any size and in any industry can count on a background screening expert for quality public record search services.
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The Hiring Process: Falsified Documents

Posted On 7:52 PM by Unknown | 0 comments

The television series Suits is one of the more popular shows in the United States. The entire series revolves around a man named Mike who was recently hired to be an associate at a top-tier law firm despite the fact that he never went to law school at all.

Although falsifying documents makes for an intriguing storyline, such events do happen in the real world, unfortunately. In fact, a prestigious school in South Korea was rocked with scandal as it was revealed that one of their professors had lied about attending Yale University.

Falsifying documents to land a job isn’t restricted to just those applying to be a regular employee. Just last year, Scott Thompson stepped down as Yahoo's CEO when it was discovered that he did not hold the computer science degree that his resumé bore, showing that even top executives should probably undergo careful employment background screening as well.

Pre-employment screening is important because applicants should have the necessary educational background and skills for the job they're applying for. Moreover, any job that involves access to confidential data or access to huge budgets should be given only to trustworthy company members.

If you are an employer, you should contact a reliable employment background screening service to weed out applicants who have presented false resumés. Chances are, your company is better off without these people.
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